
In the Beginning, Pt. 2

As I was saying, there are two systems of Order (A & B), both of which stand against the CHAOS that surrounds them. Both systems work together to create the Universe in which we live. Without these two systems our physical Universe would not exist. Apparently then, these two systems are part of a greater WHOLE. The WHOLE being our world. And we can see these two systems as polarities in nearly all aspects of our world - positive and negative, light and dark, white and black, male and female, alive and dead. There are no "subjective judgments" applied here, these are "objective observations." However, we could use "subjective judgments" as well - good and evil, hot and cold, masculine and feminine, dry and wet, right and left and so on. Notice that even the terms "objective observations" and "subjective judgments" are polarities. Strange? Not really. All of these polarities are derived from one source: our perceptions. We perceive th...

In the Beginning, Pt. 1

    In the beginning there was NOTHING. The NOTHING is incomprehensible. It is indescribable. It is unimaginable. In the NOTHING there is no time, no space, no existence. There are no gods. My first of many philosophical questions entered my mind when I was 5 years old. I asked my Mother, "Why is there something instead of nothing?" It sort of took her by surprise, but then she said, "Because God wants it that way." That ended that. How could a 5-year-old argue with God? But that question was stubborn. So stubborn it still haunts me today. Why IS there something instead of nothing? For some reason, which is beyond our ability to understand (right now anyway), the NOTHING became SOMETHING. It became CHAOS. Space came along with CHAOS because CHAOS needed some place to BE. Time also began with CHAOS because CHAOS isn't static. CHAOS is by definition, constant change, and change can't occur without time. But make no mistake, time is infinite and eternal at this...

The Dragon's Meditations

I'm exited to welcome you to my blog. I've never had one before so it's going to be "learn as you go" for me. But it's great to have a place where I can write as much as I want, since I tend to be long-winded anyway.   The plan is to post more detailed information on some of the topics I have on Twitter. For instance, I plan to move the "Shadow Working" exposition to this platform. I feel constrained trying to cut everything into 280 characters. I feel also that the Tweet format tends to disrupt the train of thought, making describing subjects like the Qliphoth difficult.  I will be posting a commentary on the Tarot, examining each Trump card individually. There's no way I could do that on Twitter. It would be just too cumbersome. This format will make it much easier to read and process the material, and easier for me to develop more coherent and complete thoughts. You will be able to add comments, questions, and suggestions, as well, so this doe...